Holding an Interferon Pamplet in my Hand
Saturday, March 18, 2006 9:57 PM

Hepatitis C

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Hey Lloyd,

My name is Challen , I found out I Had hep c on 1-13-06 from a routine blood test for a physical. My ast was 52, alt 87, hep c antibodies was reactive and the signal to cut off was 20. My doc. suggested I see a gastroenterolist, so I did. Before my appointment date came up I started looking up hep c on the internet, because I knew nothing at all about hep c, and your book came up ( THANK GOD ) from my short experience with hep c I can tell my regular md. didn't know shit about it !!!! He does now , lol, but won't fully commit to your book , but does agree with alot of it ( It's hard to argue with facts ).

Anyway , I went to the liver doc.on 1-28-06 , one of two that was recommended, had no choice really because one DIDN`T take cash patiences, you believe that shit, guess he couldn't milk the insurance co. After being told the first visit was 225.00 dollars, I seen the doc. He looked at my test results , ask a few questions and told me my liver was still working fine because of the Albumin results, 4.0 , he did tell me about my options for a cure, ( I was already holding a interferon pamplet in my hand from the waiting room ) , I did't mention your book to him , and here's what he said... ( to my surprise )..

Mr. O, the interferon treatments are really expensive ( 18 to 20,000 dollars ) and there is only a 50% chance they will work , that I could try some milk thistle, vitamin A , E and some antioxiant boosters and to come back in a year to see him, A YEAR!!!!

He never said how much to take or how often or shit ,,, At this time I had only had time to browse through your book and did't know anything about FERRITIN LEVELS or VIRAL LOAD TEST , or anything else from page 247 to page 250 , undoubtably the doc. didn't either, but I believe he didn't give a shit because I didn't have insurance he could milk !!!! So after I read your book from cover to cover ( alot of it 2 or 3 times ) I made an appointment with my regular cough and cold doctor and I brought your book with me also, I had all the test from page 247 to 250 highlighted, I sat down with him and insisted that I wanted all the test run and also the original test run again, I also had a print out of herbs and vitamins from your pharmacy that I had just began taking , I also ask him to read your book , he agreed to do so then looked at my herb list and said that he couldn't advise me on any of it, because the FDA hadn't did any blind studies on them.

I immeditally responded , but they did studies on VIOXX and many other meds. that are killing people and law-suits are being filed on....he agreed ( what could he say ) ..but said , that in his opinion that for my age ( 44 ) and in good health that I should let those " Liver Boys " ( his exact words ) give me the interferon treatments , that usually only old unhealthy people have bad side effects , but that he knew it was expensive. I told him it wasn't about the money and that I would be back from the bank in 30 min. with 20 grand if he could assure me the treatments would work and that I didn't even care if they had bad side effects, well of course he started crawfishing and told me he would order the test I wanted . He actually had to copy the viral load test abbreviations out of your book !!!!!!!!!

My viral load was 519000 , I asked for a specific #, but on the results it don't say PCR HCV RNA , it says HCV RNA QUANTITATIVE 519000 H ( is this the right test ??? ) Ferritin was 724 ( real high ). ALF was 6.5 (0.4 out of range ).

So I'm getting a abdominal ultra sound on 3-21-06 . AST was 53 ( up 1 from 1-13-06 ) . ALT was 101 ( up 14 from 1-13-06 ). The last test were done on 2-24-06. All other results were in range or good.. I found a blood center in my town that does phlebotomies but has to have a prescription to do them. I'm going ! to try and get my old faithful cold and cough doc. to give me a prescription to do them, when I have the ultra sound done at his office, I know I have to get the FERRITIN to normal before I can expect anything else to get lower. The only reason I know this is because of YOU & YOUR BOOK , and I'm grateful there is someone like you still in this world that will take his BALLS in his hand and stand up to all the bureaucratic bull-shit and the billion $ a year pill pushers and doctors that are brain washing all the weak minded people with T.V. commercials and magazine ads.

Lloyd, I started taking IP-6 ( 6 PER DAY ), AND drinking milk thistle TEA and dandelion TEA , I have one question , will it hurt to mix it with orange juice or something,,man that shit has a nasty bitter taste ...lol...???

Thanks for everything your doing!!!!!!
Picayune, MS.