Lloyd Wright Hepatitis C and Alternative Medicine Specialist
Re: Natural Cures

Hepatitis C

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Have you heard of Kevin Trudeau?

If you have what are your thoughts on his work?

Also - in your opinion does your program address heavy metal toxins?

I've come to realize that your program does in fact slowly deel with candida infections. I've been doing a modified version of your program for 1 1/2 years, all in all I'm doing good. Viral load went down from 2.3 mil to 800,000 last time I checked. I'm due to check again that was 6 months ago.

But after the 1st real major health improvement I experienced with the program - it started to wane. My health is leaps and bounds better than before I started - but its just not vibrant.

I want vibrant!!

So I ordered the pure synergy and eurocell, also I order a # of the alge stuff for $25.00. I hope this is what I'm missing - I'll find out.

I work in a paint factory as a paint chemist, and have for years and I've had amalgum fillings in for 25 years so I'm worried about the heavy metal toxicity of my body. I've started removing the fillings - 3 down and 2 to go. Should I do something special for metal detox or just be patient with what I'm doing (all the herbs, vit c, selenium, lipoic, TLM, coral, NAC) plus now the other 3 items I just ordered?

What's your thoughts on that?

I trust you and your site, you put dates down with your testimonials - no one else does that. And in the past I sent you my original testimonal and you posted it verbattem. So I know your the real deal and not like some others out there.


Hi Gary:

You can try ParaGone for Candida. Also I have a new item called Yeast Away that is suppose to be very good for Candida.

I have heard of Kevin Trudeu. I have not read all of his books but I think we are on the same track.

I can get an item called DeTox Max that works extremely well on removing heavy metal. It requires a prescription. I have used it and it is the best. I use to have it on my site and people who used it loved it. After a year or so the FDA required a prescription for it.

Chlorella will help but I understand it takes about 6 months for it to start mercury detox.

Considering that you have worked in a paint factory I urge you to take Full Spectrum Vitamin K everyday. Studies show a reduced primary liver cancer rate for people who take it. It is the K 2 that helps.

How are your adrenal glands?

Adrenal function usually wanes with hep c and they are responsible for sending T cells to the liver to help heal and repair. If your adrenals are in need of some support, try some CF Solution. That will help the program to be vibrant.

It is very good to remove the old fillings, I wish everyone would do
that! It makes a big difference.

In good health

Friday, April 15, 2005 10:31 AM