Lloyd Wright Hepatitis C and Alternative Medicine Specialist
Effects of the Hep A & B Vaccines on People with Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C

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Hi Lloyd.

I wrote you a few months back to tell you that I had gotten hep B and A shots, and they had really raised my load. I had them about a year and a half ago.

At that time my level was at about 3.5 million.
It went up to 15 million when I wrote you a few months ago.
But now it's at 20 million.

I have been doing:

Milk Thistle
Lipoic acid
Vit C

My ALT is 29
My AST is 25

Everything else is normal except for Triglycerides: 270 and MCV 101.9 and MCH 35.7

Is there anything I can do to get the viral load down?
Or is 20 million too high to have any hope?

As always, thanks for your help. If I hadn't stumbled across your website a few years ago, I think I would be out of my mind at this point with this disease.

Best regards,


Hi Jim:

I have been observing the effects of the hep A & B vaccines on people with hep c since 1999.

I see that the viral load goes up in most people for about one year, some I see it rise for 2 years.

I do not know why the difference, but I see it.

Your vial load, 20 million, is not high in comparison to what I see.
150.000.000 is high.

There is no relation between viral load, AST, ALT, or symptoms.

What I find is that after the vaccines, after antibiotics, after Peg Intron, the viral load is on a climb and it does not stop until it reaches its own plateau.

After it reaches this plateau, it will start to come back down. That is what I see.

What to do:
Drink my teas, people who drink my teas do better than people who do not!
The dandelion root tea will help get the vaccine toxins out of your system.
You might try a liver detox, there are some different ones on my message board.

Try some Reishi, it is a strong anti viral

Are you using Ultra Absorbic C? It works well with the viral load.

Eurocel lowers the viral load. Many people are using my Liver Formula with he Eurocel and having very good results.

Please keep me informed as I am compiling all the info I can about the Hep A & B vaccine in regard to giving to people with Liver Disease, something I consider a Misguided and Failed Policy!

In good health